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react-md - Migration Guides - v3 to v4

Migrate from v3 to v4

Run the @react-md/codemod to automate fixing some of the breaking changes

npx @react-md/codemod v3-to-v4/preset

More information about this codemod can be found on GitHub.

Upgrade React to v16.14.0 or greater

The minimum version of React has been changed to 16.14.0 because react-md is now compiled with the new JSX Transform.

Rename the Text component to Typography

If you did not run the @react-md/codemod script for this release, you will need to manually rename all <Text> components to <Typography>.

Update ScaleTransition to use transitionIn instead of visible

If you did not run the @react-md/codemod script for this release, you will need to manually rename the visible prop to transitionIn for the <ScaleTransition> component.

Remove any usage of mountOnEnter and unmountOnExit

The new transition API only supports a new temporary prop instead.

Update useCSSTransition for the new API

 export default function UseCSSTransition(): ReactElement {
   const [transitionIn, setTransitionIn] = useState(false);
-  const [rendered, transitionProps] = useCSSTransition({
+  const { elementProps, rendered } = useCSSTransition({
     timeout: 5000,
     classNames: {
       enter: styles.enter,
       enterActive: styles.entering,
       exit: styles.exit,
       exitActive: styles.exiting,
     temporary: true,
   return (
       <Button onClick={() => setTransitionIn(!transitionIn)}>Toggle</Button>
-      {rendered && <Page1 {...transitionProps} />}
+      {rendered && <Page1 {...elementProps} />}

Update useCrossFade to useCrossFadeTransition

-import { useCrossFade, ENTER } from "@react-md/transition";
+import { useCrossFadeTransition } from "@react-md/transition";

-const [, transitionProps, dispatch] = useCrossFade({ appear: false });
+const { elementProps, transitionTo } = useCrossFadeTransition();


-<div {...transitionProps}>
+<div {...elementProps}>

Update useCollapse to useCollapseTransition

 const [collapsed, setCollapsed] = useState(true);
-const [rendered, transitionProps] = useCollapse(collapsed, options);
+const { elementProps, rendered } = useCollapseTransition({
+  ...options,
+  transitionIn: !collapsed,

 return (
     <Button onClick={() => setCollapsed(!collapsed)}>Toggle</Button>
     {rendered && (
-      <div {...transitionProps}>
+      <div {...elementProps}>
        <Text>Stuff that should be animated</Text>
        <div>Whatever content...</div>

Update useFixedPositioning for the new API

The API has changed so that the fixedTo element must be a ref pointing to the element.

-import { CSSTransition } from "react-transition-group";
+import { CSSTransition } from "@react-md/transition";

-const { style, onEnter, onEntering, onEntered, onExited } = useFixedPositioning({
-  fixedTo: () => document.getElementById('some-element'),
+const fixedTo = useRef();
+const { style, transitionOptions } = useFixedPositioning({
+  fixedTo,

 return (
-    <Button id="some-element">Button</Button>
+    <Button id="some-element" ref={fixedTo}>Button</Button>
-      in={visible}
-      mountOnEnter
-      unmountOnExit
+      {...transitionOptions}
+      temporary
+      transitionIn={visible}
         Some transitionable div