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Interface UseRangeSliderOptions


@since 2.5.0




jump?: number

An optional amount to jump by when using the PageUp or PageDown keys. When this is omitted, it will try to default to 10% of the full range to the nearest step

max?: number

The max value for the slider.

min?: number

The min value for the slider.

step?: number

A positive number representing the value to "jump" while incrementing or decrementing the slider's value. This should normally stay as the default value of 1, but can also be decimal values if needed.

updateOn?: "change" | "blur"

Determines when the value should be updated from the useSlider and useRangeSlider hooks. When this is set to "change", the value will update immediately as the user interacts with the slider. When this is set to "blur", the value will only be updated once the user has tabbed away from the slider or completed the drag via mouse/touch.

It is recommended to set this to "blur" when the value does not need to be used immediately.


  • An optional callback that will be triggered when the value has changed when the updateOn behavior is set to "blur". When the updateOn behavior is set to "change" (default), this will do nothing since the return value from the hook will always be the latest value.


    Returns void

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