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Interface InteractionStatesOptions<E>

Type parameters

  • E: HTMLElement = HTMLElement




className?: string

An optional className to merge with the different interaction states.

disableEnterClick?: boolean

Boolean if the enter keyboard click polyfill should be completely disabled. This is generally used if the keyboard functionality is already built-in to the element like buttons or labels.

disablePressedFallback?: boolean

Boolean if the component should fallback to using the custom pressed class names when ripples are disabled.



disableProgrammaticRipple?: boolean

Boolean if the ripple component should not be triggered after a "programmatic" ripple effect. This would be if the .click() function is called on an element through javascript or some other means.

disableRipple?: boolean

Boolean if the ripple effect should be disabled for all child components that use the Ripple states.

disableSpacebarClick?: boolean

Boolean if the spacebar should not trigger a click event when using the user pressed spacebar on a focusable element. You normally want the spacebar to also trigger a click event , but there are a few cases where it should not (like custom links).

When this is disabled, it will also make sure that the ripple and pressed effects are not triggered from a spacebar click.



disabled?: boolean

An optional boolean if the element is currently disabled. This will ensure that the ripple states are not applied during these times.

enablePressedAndRipple?: boolean

Boolean if the element should be able to gain both the ripple effect and the pressed states changes. This will only be enabled if both the disableRipple and disabledPressedFallback are still false

handlers?: MergableRippleHandlers<E>

An optional object of event handlers to merge with the required ripple trigger event handlers.

rippleClassName?: string

An optional className to apply to the ripple element.

rippleClassNames?: CSSTransitionClassNames

The class names to apply during the different stages for the ripple animation. You probably don't want to use this.

rippleContainerClassName?: string

An optional className to apply to the ripple's container element.

rippleTimeout?: TransitionTimeout

The amount of time before a ripple finishes its animation. You probably don't want to change this value unless you updated the duration in scss or changed the different class names for the ripple animation.

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